Resonate Deliberately Using Emotions

Emotions are vibrant energy coursing through our physical bodies, propelled by automatic and instinctive bodily reactions. These reactions can be objectively measured through various means, such as pupil dilation (eye tracking), brain activity (EEG, fMRI), heart rate (ECG), and facial micro-expressions. What makes emotions truly intriguing is that they don't vary significantly from person to person. They are not exclusive or unique to individuals; rather, they encompass a universal language that permeates humanity. However, feelings are different. Feelings are subjective and personal. They vary from one person to another, drawing from our own encounters, beliefs, and memories. Fortunately, we hold the power to reshaping our thoughts and generating more favorable feelings.


689 Hz. The feeling of Optimism is a beacon of positivity, encompassing the belief in the best possible outcome from any given situation. It serves as a powerful anchor, providing us with a sense of cheer, hope, and a renewed perspective. Optimism anchors a driving force that inspires us to embrace challenges.

Choose Resonance Art by Positive Emotions


819 Hz. The feeling of Harmony is a sense of feeling whole, even amid the chaos and trials that life throws our way. It guides us towards a state of inner peace and serenity. Harmony anchors a gentle reminder that even in the face of difficulties and challenges, we can find unity and balance within ourselves.


780 Hz. The feeling of Enthusiasm infuses us with heightened positive energy. As an anchor, it grounds us in a state of positive expectation and excitement, enabling us to embrace new opportunities and conquer challenges with fervor. Enthusiasm anchors brighter outlooks and positive motivation.


720 Hz. The feeling of Positive Expectation brings forth a renewed sense of anticipation within us. It nudges us toward the belief that a positive event is not just possible but highly likely to occur. Expectation anchors us in a place of excitement and eagerness to embrace the potential of what lies ahead.


873 Hz. The feeling of Eagerness pulsates through one's being as an intense and fervent anticipation that propels us toward the realm of endless possibilities. Eagerness anchors a sense of exhilaration and passion, creating an unstoppable force that fuels dreams and aspirations.


1008 Hz. The feeling of Passion fuels us to pursue our dreams with fervor and determination. It infuses our thoughts, actions, and choices with intensity. Passion anchors us in a state of unwavering desire and dedication and compels us to surpass expectations and strive for greatness.


960 Hz. The feeling of Happiness goes beyond merely feeling satisfaction and fulfillment. It encompasses a myriad of positive sensations deeply rooted in the essence of joy. Happiness anchors a state of pure glee and pleasure that transports us to a realm of contentment and gratitude.


912 Hz. The feeling of Awe is a feeling we get in the presence of something vast and transcends our everyday experiences. It reminds of the immense grandeur that exists in the world, leaving us humbled. Awe anchors a state of wonder, taking us to a place where our perspective shifts.


1056 Hz. The feeling of Freedom is acting or speaking without any hesitation or constraints, unburdened by external forces. Freedom ignites the imagination and fuels the desire to explore uncharted territories. Freedom anchors a state of liberation, granting a sense of ease and tranquility.


1152 Hz. The feeling of Joy is a profound feeling of extreme gladness and exultation of the spirit. It goes beyond momentary pleasure and fills our hearts with warmth and our souls with contentment. Joy anchors a state of well-being that radiates from within and is all-encompassing.


1200 Hz. The feeling of Love encompasses a multitude of feelings and experiences. It goes beyond mere attraction or infatuation, reaching the depths of a deep affection for someone. It is a union that is formed with no conditions. Love anchors a boundless bond that knows no limitations.


1107 Hz. The feeling of Empowerment ignites a sense of determination and purpose within us. It is the feeling of giving power to ourselves when seeking change, unlocking our true potential. Empowerment anchors a state of confidence and validation, reminding us that we can shape our destiny.


MERLOT belongs to the Authenticity of Farms collection, showcasing agricultural settings, and serving as a testament to the dedication and expertise of farmers as they cultivate and nurture various plants.

MERLOT resonates at 1056 Hz. Use 1056 Hz to entrain with freedom ~ a feeling of acting or speaking as one wants without hindrance or constraints from external forces. Freedom anchors a vibration of liberation that fills us with a sense of ease.