About Judy Ann Tank, ND

I was raised on a family farm and grew up immersed in nature — the sight of pink dogwoods, yellow sunflowers, and violet wisteria blended with the sweet aroma of honeysuckle blossoms. And sounds — birds chirping, bees buzzing, and leaves rustling. I left our farm to attend the University of Georgia in Athens, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (ABJ). I spent the next 35 years in Graphic Design, Advertising, and Marketing.

In 2010, my life took an unexpected turn. My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer. Our days became filled with numerous visits to medical facilities and hospitals. We experienced the full range of emotions ~ despair and joy, happiness and sadness, along with the highs and lows of good and bad news. We spent hours in waiting rooms, the atmosphere heavy with stress and anxiety. My mom’s battle with cancer was not one that she would win. It was heartbreaking. However, amid the darkness, a flame of inspiration ignited within me. I dedicated myself to understanding the natural healing capabilities of the human body. I couldn’t help but wonder if those waiting rooms and medical facilities had some of the nature we loved, would the outcome have been different?

I earned a Doctor of Naturopathy Degree (ND) from the Trinity School of Natural Health. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) promote health and wellness by supporting the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. A holistic approach considers a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Years later, I would understand that our negative emotions and fears set the stage for a negative outcome. I would learn that simple images of nature on the wall or in the form of a book would have decreased our stress and triggered positive responses in the body, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome for my mom. After years of research, I created Resonance Art to get scientific-based art into the hands of those who are facing fear, despair, and anxiety.

About Matchless Atlas

Resonance Art represents a fusion of scientific research from various disciplines, nature’s high frequencies, and fractals, with technological innovation to craft an experience that resonates with observers on a subconscious level. Through the digital capture of nature’s energetic imprint and its transformation into art, Matchless Atlas Resonance Art activates relaxation, fosters coherence within the body, and calibrates vibrations to Optimal Resonant Frequency. Resonance Art forges deep connections between individuals and the natural world, offering a transformative experience transcending mere aesthetics. Resonance Art is more than a mere expression of beauty; it is a gateway to higher vibrations, capable of evoking well-being. By intertwining scientific insights, artistic ingenuity, and the inherent power of nature, I aim to offer viewers an incomparable, or matchless, way to restore their optimal health.

About the Message

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says, “If those who lead you say to you, ‘look, the Kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds will get there first. If they say ‘it’s in the ocean,’ then the fish will get there first. But the Kingdom of God is within you and outside of you. Once you come to know yourselves, you will become known. And you will know that it is you who are the children of the living father.” Jesus’ message is a call to recognize that the kingdom of God is not some distant, unattainable realm but rather a state of being we can access here and now. The Kingdom of God is something that you enter when you attain self-knowledge. When you know yourself, you will also come to know God because you will discover that the divine is within you. It is an understanding that God, the highest form of love, is already within us, waiting to be recognized and embraced. We each possess the power to create  heaven on earth through the love that resides within us.

About MatchlessAtlas.com

This website offers a unique calibration experience designed to resonate with viewers simply through exposure. When a distressed vibration synchronizes and attunes with a harmonious vibration, it brings harmony to a person’s body, mind, and emotions. As you explore the site (minimum of 12 minutes), you’ll reinstate your Optimal Resonance Frequency.

You'll notice intentional organization in groups of 3, 6, 9, and 12, as the brain favors structure. Numbers constitute a universal language that both humans and computers understand. Energy finds its expression through math, while nature articulates through numerical patterns. Notably, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 embody the magnetic essence of all matter and energy. Thus this website utilizes the Rule of Three, a principle rooted in the Latin "omne trium perfectum", signifying that everything that comes in threes is perfect and complete.


TORCH is from the Splendor of Autumn Collection. This collection serves as an exquisite portrayal of the captivating journey of transformation, reminding us that amid the uncertainty of change, true splendor awaits.

TORCH resonates at 912 Hz. Use 912 Hz to entrain with awe ~ a feeling of reverential respect and admiration in the presence of something grand or sacred, leaving us moved and humbled. Awe anchors a vibration of wonder and inspiration.