Resonance Display Art

Our energetic state is influenced by the spaces we inhabit, whether at home or work. Curating an environment that reduces stress and promotes relaxation is essential for improving our overall wellness. When we consciously sculpt our surroundings using Resonance Art, we create spaces that hold the energy frequency we desire and contribute to our overall well-being. We can establish nurturing environments in any setting, including healthcare facilities, hotels, restaurants, and workplaces. Any space can become a sanctuary that nurtures well-being.


The spaces we inhabit, whether at home or work, play a significant role in shaping our energetic state. That’s why curating environments that reduce stress and promote relaxation is essential for fostering overall wellness. Resonance Art deliberately shapes the energy frequencies of our spaces, contributing to a more positive and balanced state of being. Judy Tank, ND, with her understanding of energy flow, specializes in identifying the most effective Resonance Art tailored to sculpt the vibration of any space. Her expertise ensures that every space exudes a harmonious energy, perfectly aligned with its intended purpose.  Judy’s personalized recommendations are designed to infuse spaces with resonant and nourishing energy.



BOLL belongs to the Authenticity of Farms collection, showcasing agricultural settings, that serve as a testament to the dedication and expertise of farmers as they cultivate and nurture various plants.

BOLL resonates at 1107 Hz.


If you are interested in making a positive impact on the well-being of others, consider donating art to a healthcare facility or any other place that ignites your passion. For further details, feel free to reach out to Judy.