Art Installations

Matchless Atlas Resonance Art Installations are designed to immerse visitors in a sensory experience, compelling them to move through and interact with the space and artworks. Installations offer an all-encompassing encounter, fusing nature and art into a high-vibrational experience for visitors. Utilizing a blend of art, wall murals, accent colors, and plants, each installation is designed to entrain vibrations to a higher frequency. The option for commissioned art based on local landmarks/nature is available. Art Installations are highly customizable, depending on your space and goals. Contact Judy for a quote.


SHELTER belongs to the Intelligence of Trees collection, capturing the profound wisdom sentient trees possess as they adapt and evolve through each season.

SHELTER resonates at 960 Hz. Use 960 Hz to entrain with happiness ~ a feeling of pleasurable emotion and the absence of negative emotion, ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness anchors a vibration of pleasure and satisfaction.