Activate Responses Using Sound

When an object vibrates, it causes movement in surrounding air molecules called sound. Sound therapy is based on the premise that we are all made up of energy frequencies, and audio frequencies can interact with our body’s energy to rebalance our systems. Extensive research has consistently shown that natural sounds have a profound impact on bodily systems, specifically those that govern the flight-or-fright and rest-digest autonomic nervous systems. Remarkably, when individuals are exposed to natural sounds, they register a noticeable decline in the sympathetic responses of the body and a simultaneous increase in the parasympathetic response. The deeply relaxing sounds of nature have the incredible ability to trigger a calm and meditative state within our brains whether directly exposed or captured in a recorded soundscape.


A breeze refers to a gentle wind that derives its name from the place it originates. For instance, a sea breeze moves from the sea towards land, and a mountain breeze cascades into the valley. All breezes, with unique origins and trajectories, leave a sense of tranquility in their wake.

Pair Resonance Art with Nature Sounds


On spring and summer evenings, just as the golden sun starts to dip below the horizon, a concert of sound from the surroundings of ponds, creeks, and marshes fills the air. It is a symphony where the melody of humming insects and buzzing of cicadas mingles with the resonant croak of bullfrogs.


The calls and songs that birds make have a profound impact on our connection with nature. The melodic tunes and rhythmic chirping not only bring us joy but also provide a sense of security. When birds sing, their enchanting melodies echo through the air, signifying that all is well in their surroundings.


The majesty of a forest lies not only in its sheer beauty but also in its vastness, stretching as far as the eye can see, where time seems suspended. In this setting, sunlight filters through the canopy, and the natural sounds of the forest, bustling with life, fade into a gentle hush, creating a sense of peace.


Falling from over a mile high, raindrops cascade down from the heavens, their journey marked by air vibrations that reach our ears. It is within this chorus of the pitter-patter of raindrops on leaves that we find solace. We are instinctively drawn to this gentle rhythm, perceiving it as a soothing melody.


A walk in nature allows you to immerse yourself in a symphony of sounds. As you stroll, you are serenaded by the rustle of leaves and the whispers of breezes. Birdsong harmonizes with the whirring of hummingbirds' wings, the buzz of insects, and the drumming of woodpeckers.


A stream or brook babbles and burbles as it travels along its bed, bubbling over rocks and branches. It effortlessly navigates its way, gracefully maneuvering around, over, and through the various obstacles it encounters. The delightful sound of the rapid water resonates with calm and relaxation. 


A winter landscape holds its own in wonder. The sight of a snowy landscape captivates us. The air is filled with a serene stillness, broken only by the crunch of footsteps on the creaking snow. Amidst the tranquility, the songs of birds nestled in the wintering trees add a mystical touch to the ambiance.


Birds typically sing just one song for a few minutes before taking a break. However, in early spring at dawn, birds sing in a chorus. This gathering is not limited to a single species, and it's not the calm and soft tunes they sing during the day; they unleash a louder and more vibrant rendition of their songs.


A waterfall, with its breathtaking expanse of cascading water, is where the ceaseless flow of a river abruptly cascades from great heights. As the water plunges, it crashes against the solid terrain below, generating a soothing roar that resonates through the surroundings.


Rustling refers to the melodic sound leaves make as they move harmoniously when a gentle breeze blows through tree branches. Each leaf, with its distinct shape and texture, contributes to the rustle unique to every tree. This rustling orchestra resonates with the essence of nature.


The sound of waves lapping the shore has a soothing effect on our senses. Every time a wave gracefully breaks, countless tiny bubbles of air emerge within the surface water, playing a pivotal role in shaping the unique sound that accompanies each wave. This ebb and flow of sound resonates within us.


MEANDER belongs to the Wisdom of Water collection, highlighting water’s vital role in our world, reminding us to flow gracefully and cherish change and flexibility.

MEANDER resonates at 819 Hz. Use 819 Hz to entrain with harmony ~ a feeling of being whole, even during the challenges and trials of life, guiding us toward a state of inner peace and serenity. Harmony anchors a vibration of unity and balance.