Improving Academic Performance with Art

The use of Resonance Art can provide a solution for school buildings that are unable to have windows with views of nature. By incorporating these nature-inspired art works into the school's design, students can still benefit from the positive physiological and psychological responses that nature elicits.

The use of Resonance Art in areas such as lobbies, hallways, or lunch areas can provide students with a sense of connection to nature, even in the absence of windows with views. These art works serve as a visual reminder of the beauty and tranquility that nature offers, creating a more calming and conducive atmosphere for learning.

Moreover, studies have shown that exposure to nature improves information recall, creative problem-solving, and creative thinking. By incorporating Resonance Art that showcases nature, students can experience cognitive benefits that contribute to their scholastic performance and overall well-being.

It is crucial for educational institutions to recognize the importance of creating a positive learning environment that supports students' natural need to affiliate with nature. While not every classroom may have windows with views, Resonance Art can bridge this gap by bringing the essence of nature into the school setting.

In conclusion, the quality of school facilities should not be overlooked as a significant factor in students' academic performance. Resonance Art can effectively create views of nature in classrooms and other spaces within educational facilities, fostering a connection to nature that enhances learning outcomes. By utilizing these art installations, schools can promote a sense of well-being, improve cognitive abilities, and create an environment that supports students' holistic development.

"Nook" from the Intelligence of Trees Collection is a perfect example of how Resonance Art can be integrated into educational facilities. Chartreuse combines the sensibility of yellow with the balance of green. The yellow in chartreuse increases mental acuity while it’s green vibration soothes, quiets and balances the nerves. With a frequency of 636 Hz, this artwork combines the natural vibrations of nature and color to create a piece that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space but also elevates the overall vibration of the room and its occupants. View Nook here.


What is Optimal Resonance Frequency?